Veliky Novgorod Tour

The Oldest Russian City in 2 Hours from St. Petersburg
This is the cradle of the country's history with churches and the cathedral dating back to X-XI centuries after having miraculously survived through many wars and disturbances. Fortunately, today we can still marvel at the ancient frescos painted by past geniuses inside the churches which were created in the ascetic northern Russian architectural style.

Moreover, the city now houses the collection of ancient Russian houses and churches of that region in the Vitoslavlitsy Open Air Museum where we can find out how the locals of the city lived many centuries ago and participate in the celebrations and degustation of typical Russian snacks and drinks. Highly recommended visit when enroute from St. Petersburg to Moscow.

Read our blog post about Veliky Novgorod or Novgorod the Great to discover the turbulent history and immense cultural heritage of this beautiful and serene city.

Rates at request
Posadnik guiiding the tour in Veliky Novgorod
Cupolas of Sophia Cathedral
View on Kremilin in Veliky Novgorod
Monument to Millennium of Russia
Old frescos in Veliky Novgorod
Old churches of Yaroslav Court
Old Wooden Church in Vitoslavlitsy Open Air Museum
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